Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
We Were Made to be Creative
Creation is something that begins invisibly and become visibly present. If we talk about creativity, it is an invisible ability that begins in the invisible mind and takes visible shape. A visible shape is the result of a creative process. There is first, the idea that something needs to visibly exist. Then there is the mental planning and processing to arrive at the best way it can be done. Everything we can see is the result of a creative process. Creativity and its products are seen in the universe and experienced in the shapes that its created inhabitants create.
Simply stated, human beings are creative because they are made in the image of their Creator who is creative. Human progress from the cave to the computer, from primitive caving to modern society, from born individually alone to moving about in groups, indicates a deep common need to always move forward from where we have been to the unknown horizon of increasing discovery. Whether it is exploring the physical universe or the internal reality of personal existence, mankind is always restless to learn more. It’s a maturing process in being creative.
To be a believer in God is to be creative. Believing encourages both the scientist and the philosopher, the researcher and the thinker, the artist and the theologian, the businessman and the employee, the atheist and the religionist, the believer and the non-believer. The One through whom all things came into being made that declaration, “Ask and it will be given, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you (Mt.7:7).” He was the model of creativity to show that an individual is born to create, to look forward, to develop and leave a heritage. What He opened up for us was spiritual reality where creativity really starts and that is with personal faith in Him.
Faith is where you begin any process. Faith is built into every human being, believer and non-believer alike. Faith is a spiritual gift that is energized by the Lord God. When conscious of the Giver, your faith in Him broadens your ability, opens your sensitivity to people and what can be processed and produced to serve Him and others. He generates ideas, creative thinking, that something can be discovered, something can be processed and something can be produced. But that process begins within the heart. Who motivates your heart is the key. The heart is your relational core. Its Creator is speaking to you, nudging you to do something with the moments you have, to be more than just existing or creating what you think is best.
But there’s more. Your heart has a demand when it starts. It needs to feel right about who you are and what you are doing. We are born with a moral streak that needs satisfaction. But it is also born with a sense of being alone and having to find relationships that fit into your inner self. It is that aloneness and how it is accepted in the world of people around you that searches for another person or persons you can trust to make all that happen. What this means is that the creativity in us may get sidetracked by self-centeredness, what I think is best as opposed to what is best which me and the people I connect with. I need a perfect source, a source I can trust outside of me. The imperfections of others, even good people and authoritative people, must caution us to be spiritually realistic.
As you grow into this world of uncertainty, compromise and the fear of failure, it is right here that all of us hear one word we don’t want to deal with. But it both stalks us and identifies our struggle to be actively alive. It is a word that describes the difference between good and bad, right and wrong and the temptation to survive at any cost. A word we don’t like to hear because it says we are not in control of our choices and decisions. This exposes another reality in us, fear and pride. The word is sin. Sin is the lonely self-centeredness in every human heart. It’s the belief that since my intentions are always good, I’m OK. If I happen to be wrong, it’s usually someone else’s fault or the larger society is to blame. Sin is what stunts my creative growth.
We need someone to show us what creativity looks like and the kind of creativity that a heart can develop to right the wrong around us. A person who saves us from within where the tendency to make wrong choices and bad products starts. All of this takes place because of sin and our separation from our Creator God.
Sin doesn’t mean I stop being creative. But it stops good creativity, right creativity, socially constructive creativity. Sin uses creativity to destroy integrity, personality, inspire thievery, manipulate others for self-satisfaction, promote hate and bigotry. These are just a few of the negatives sin develops. Because you and I are unique, different and individuals we will create something. Look at where and who you are and what you have done. You were creating along the way. Just take hold and work the gift you’ve been given---the gift you are!
Jesus, the Son of God, lived a perfect and creative life. Because of the sinful choices of power conscious politicians, misguided religionists and an apathetic populace, Jesus was executed on a Cross. He died to bear everyone’s sinful aloneness so that even those who tried to destroy Him could be forgiven and freed to be their true creative selves. He revealed in His life what Creation and being the exact image of the Creator God was all about. When you are free to love as God loved, there is no end to what you can create and produce. A scientist with the love of God in his heart can produce so much more than someone whose heart is blocked by self-centeredness. This is true in all fields of endeavor where creativity is essential to a person finding their true fulfillment as a person. If you are spiritually free, no emotion, no rejection, no judgment, no enemy, nor any fear can hold you back. We were made to be creative
When you have a relationship with God in Jesus, you are free spiritually. Spiritual freedom reduces your inhibitions to conform out of fear of what might happen to you socially and economically. Spiritual freedom increases your creativity as a person, a family person and being a relational person in your environment. Your attitude changes to that of a confident and engaging individual which affects people wherever you are. “So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed (Jn.8:36).”
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