Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
That's the real question isn't it? We need real leaders in this fragmented world. What does it mean to be a leader and where do we find them?
Let’s look at our present secular situation to get our bearings as believers. First, as I stated before, leadership on every level of our society is caving in to the morality of the moment. The President of the United States is pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, anti-Israel, anti-border protective, pro-Islam, anti-Bible and a host of other divisive attitudes that are counter to our historic principles. But he is not the major problem but simply a reflection of it. He was put into office by an electorate that is a combination, a coalition, of these secular issues that are borne from anti-God immoral attitudes. We have a Congress, a Supreme Court, an economic leadership, educational associations’ policies, denominational religious leaders, media network heads whose fears add to an atmosphere of anxiety that results even in, and this takes the cake, the social assassination of a food network celebrity whose folksy persona is denigrated along with those who like her.
It is a social dictatorship that avoids central identity but is ascribed to out of fear and self-justified immorality. Political correctness has become the fad tool of a culture drenched in the spirit of fear and leaders in every area of our social environment are knuckling under to its intimidation. All you have to do is to have a look on your face that someone doesn’t like and you’re fair game for an onslaught of publicized criticism in a media circus that thrives and profits on maintaining this atmospheric turbulence. Interpersonal honesty, sharing and growth are blocked by this continuous demonically polluted atmosphere.
It is the same cultural dynamic that has prefaced the rise of all anti-personal movements in history right into our own time as seen in Communism, Socialism and Nazism. Even the recent scandals in our national capital are symptomatic of its effects. The welfare mentality, government invasiveness and self-presumed leaders’ misuse of different rights movements are all historical repetitions. This is where exploitation by power hungry demagogues emerges to gain a following from among those looking to escape any moral and social restriction in the name of some manufactured right. The infection is deep and insidious. Its cure can be and only be through a restoration of spiritual courage and stability based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Secular leadership has failed us. It’s time for a return to the spiritual leadership that comes from a relationship with the Lord Jesus. But this kind of leadership is quite different. It is not demagoguery, or physical, military, political, religious power leaders who use secular principles, which are so common to the world. They have betrayed us through fear and compromise. Rather it is a spiritual power given to every believer to be a witness to Jesus and His Word.
God given leadership is a personal spiritual leadership that transcends all world leadership whether it be a president an emperor or a dictator. It is the least publicized but the most important kind of leadership. If you honestly look at history, the real positive movements were filled with leaders who were spiritually based and anonymous by world standards. And they were alone, individual and Spirit filled. If you look at Jesus born into an obscure people in an obscure province in an obscure family, He becomes the example of where leadership starts, ---in a faithful mind, heart and spirit. Every one of His followers had the same pedigree. All of the succeeding missions and ministries were started by those with the same background. It was corrupt leadership that rose up in the midst of later followers that betrayed His presence. As believers we know that the corruption of leaders is satanic and filled with his spirits and demonic influence. Leadership based on fear and intimidation whether physical, social, political, religious or emotional drives individuals into personal alienation and isolation which is the devil’s ultimate goal.
All of this is to say it’s time to step up and be the leader God intended when He sent His Son to demonstrate what individuals moved by personal faith in Jesus are capable of. We have a spiritual pedigree in Jesus that is Spirit filled and Spirit led. That leadership pedigree, that inheritance from the will of God, is spelled out in Ephesians 1:3-14. It presents a list giving our mind a succinct platform to engage our heart’s trust and motivate our spirit to action.
1. Vs.3 He blessed us---blessing is barakah, God’s touch.
2. Vs.4 He chose us in Jesus…to be holy and blameless before Creation!
3. Vs.5 He predestined us to be adopted as His sons in love.
4. Vs.6 He has given us grace, see vs.8 as well, to the praise of His glorious grace!
5. Vs.7 He has given us redemption through His blood
6. Vs.9 He has made known the mystery of His will…vs.10---to bring all things in Heaven and earth together under one Head, Jesus Christ.
7. Vs.11-12 He chose us to be the praise of His glory
8. Vs.13 We were also chosen to be included in Christ when we heard the word of truth
9. Vs.13b We were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance---to the praise of His glory.
Before we get into the list specifically we want to make sure we grasp the leadership concept revealed in Scripture. We accept the leadership He has given us to be faithful in mind, heart and spirit, right where we are. This is quite different from the world’s concept of leadership which is fueled by the spirit of fear. Instead a believer leads inspired by the Holy Spirit. It’s this kind of leadership that is given to every believer. This is what biblical leadership is all about.
From the Lord’s perspective in Scripture the most important leadership responsibility in the world is to be a spiritual leader right where we are. Spiritual leadership is what shapes the world. What does the Bible consider to be real leadership? Starting with Adam and Eve in Genesis it seems the most important job descriptions given to men and women are husband and father, wife and mother, parent and child and employer and employee, in that order. This is how we are called to shape the lives of future generations. These are the supreme leadership positions that cross all ages and the attitude we carry into their undertaking determines their outcome. No secular authority or position can outweigh or influence the world like those He has designed for us.
If we follow the Lord’s direction He blesses each moment we are faithful in the leadership we have been given. This is quite different from worldly defined leadership which comes from authority based on fear. We lead from a spiritual authority to walk confidently in a broken and hostile world as His witnesses. We have the love, grace, support and authority to be the leader He appointed in the direct environment in which we live each day.
Next, detailing the list that is the confidence builder to fulfill our role as leaders that can change the world.
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