Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
Present political and judicial announcements demand a response. It’s Our Time to Take a Stand. It’s all about today. Today leadership on every level has been compromised, failed and betrayed us. Today it’s our time to act in terms of who and what we really are. Listen to Jeremiah:
“Today I have made you a fortified city, an iron pillar and a bronze wall to stand against the whole land—against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests and the people of the land. They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,” (Jer.1:18-19).”
Jeremiah wrote this because the leadership of God’s people failed to stick to His
Word and rest on the promises in it. The rest of his prophecy builds on this theme. When leadership fails it’s because they have forsaken the God who gave them life, authority, ability and the principles to be stewards of those blessings. We see it every day in the world around us. So what do the people of God do when their leaders betray them? Let’s look at this passage a little more closely.
First, let’s consider who and what we are from vs.18. There are three strong affirmations from the Lord to give us assurance.
First, we are a fortified city, the Body of Christ, joined together by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Second, we are an iron pillar, spiritually grounded by a personal relationship with God in Christ and cannot be moved from Him.
Third, we are a bronze wall shining with obedience to the principles, commands and life giving protection of Holy Scripture, the foundational wall of defense to secure us, and the gates of hell will not prevail against us.
One more significant thing, each of us in the Body of Christ is what the Body is, fortified, iron pillars and bronze walls. We may fail, fall and fear from time to time but in the long run our faith and destiny are secure in Him and amongst His enemies.
Second, the Lord has given us a purpose. We are to stand against the whole land. Now that stand is not to assume we are spiritual vigilantes on a self-chosen path of to take down existing secular authority. What we are called to do is to stand, take a stand, stand up firm in the Spirit of God, stand with Jesus the Lord, stand on the Word and stand in the will of our heavenly Father. We are to stand as voices, as lighthouses and as spiritual warriors against the attitudes, spirits and opinions from the evil one. We can stand in local committees, city councils, state legislatures and in the halls of congress and of course in the voting booth. When you stand you are seen, heard, noticed and cause a reaction because you are standing in the Spirit and that in itself will be a spark. When you stand up for the truth wherever you are the Spirit of God does the rest.
Third, you stand against very specific leaders especially those who have chosen to depart from the life principles of Scripture. When vs.18 says ‘the kings of Judah’ read presidents, emperors, dictators, kings, commissars, prime ministers, governors, mayors and military juntas.
When it says ‘officials’ we stand against city councils, committee chairmen and other delegated authorities who veer away from God’s Word in their policies.
When it says ‘priests’ we really need to stand visibly and vocally. We need to be very direct because these are the institutional leaders given the responsibility of speaking for God from His Word in the most sensitive area of our humanity, our minds, hearts and spirits. Popes, bishops, superintendents, local clergy, whatever their title, none are exempt if they stray from the Word. The great ‘leader trap’ is self-importance and all the tempting trappings it presents. Expressions like ‘we are doing this for the greater good’ and ‘we know what is best for the people’ and on and on with all the self-deceit it invites.
Denominationalism is a spiritual disease that encourages a dogmatic spirit which leaders can succumb to very easily. The idea that they are the sole arbiters of doctrine and belief instead of trust in the Holy Spirit brings shadows of inquisition in the ‘sacred halls’ of denominations which are applied in our time ever so subtley. Further, the tendency to compromise with cultural trends has reared its ugly head arrogantly on the public scene. Need we mention the trendy denominational leadership’s malpractice in the ‘pick and choose’ use of Scripture?
Third, when the Lord Jesus said that we are to be His witnesses, know we were filled with the Holy Spirit thus making the Body of Christ, the church, His witnessing Body. He equipped the Body with the gifts of the Spirit making us all prophetic every time we step out of the door into the world. While some are given the specific gift of prophecy for worship and ministry we are all called to be prophetic in the surrounding culture. A witness by definition is prophetic from the moment Jesus is received as Savior and Lord. Again, being designated as lights to the world makes each of us a prophet.
The country in which we live is suffering from failed and compromised leadership on every level of government, education, religious and social endeavor. It’s time to counsel, to write, to challenge and to speak in the halls of leadership wherever it may be. The Lord has given us an incredible country, material wealth and technological treasure but its leadership in every area has left God behind. Jeremiah goes on to say in 2:11, “My people have committed two sins: they have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns.” Nothing is more apparent than our nation’s political leader saying he has ‘evolved’ and chosen to support what is contrary to the Word of God in regard to sexuality and the beginning of life. Locally the same issues are being treated with haughtiness by educational, business and some religious leaders.
Jeremiah presents an ominous warning to any leader in any area of human interaction in 4:7-9 that a lion will come forth and devour the land. “In that day” declares the Lord, “the king and officials will lose heart, the priest will be horrified, and the prophets will be appalled (vs.9)…”tell this to the nations, proclaim it to Jerusalem: a besieging army is coming from a distant land, raising a war cry against the cities of Judah. They surround her like men guarding a field, because she has rebelled against me,” declares the Lord (4:16-17).”
The time to exercise our prophetic calling is now. Just remember, “They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you, “ declares the Lord (Jer.1:19).”
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