Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
In the last posting we pointed to the origin of cul de sacs, strongholds. It was when Adam and Eve disobeyed God (Gen.3) by following the path of temptation and found the cul de sac of aloneness from which there was no outlet only a dead end, literally. From that origin came the overall human condition of sin that historically ripened into a landslide of self-centeredness summed up in Gen.6:5 to where “every inclination of a man’s heart was only evil all the time.” Everyone by their sinful nature had totally abandoned God and were, like the pigs in Mt.5:13, running headlong into personal cul de sacs of physical and spiritual aloneness and death. It’s this condition that Jesus came into the world to save us from by offering us spiritual rebirth through receiving Him in our hearts by faith. This is what it means to be born again, re-spirited with His Holy Spirit, refueled for eternal life that begins at the moment we say yes to Jesus.
And this is why every person with whom we come in contact is an object of God’s love and compassion. He created them in His image, He designed them for a relational experience with Him and others, He ‘destinized’ (my word) them for eternity and totally invested Himself through His Son’s death on the Cross and Resurrection for their recovery.
So it is vital that we see actual examples of minds, intellects, reason, gone astray pursuing their own thinking apart from God’s Word. This is especially true when leaders of religious institutions make theological conclusions that take us on anti-biblical paths leading us into eternal cul de sacs from which there are no escapes. The following statement qualifies. Please read it carefully:
“The crisis of this moment has several parts, and like Episcopalians, particularly ones in Mississippi [aftermath of Hurricane Katrina], they're all related. The overarching connection in all of these crises has to do with the great Western heresy - that we can be saved as individuals, that any of us alone can be in right relationship with God. It's caricatured in some quarters by insisting that salvation depends on reciting a specific verbal formula about Jesus. That individualist focus is a form of idolatry, for it puts me and my words in the place that only God can occupy, at the center of existence, as the ground of all being. That heresy is one reason for the theme of this Convention (Mrs. Katherine Schori, Presiding Bishop, opening address, Episcopal Church General Convention 2009).”
First, it presents a subtle nuance, the idea that apart from the institutional church and its leadership there is no salvation. To be more specific, apart from Mrs.Schori’s personal position there is no salvation, which means the larger spiritual Body of Christ is inconsequential.
Second, it actually condemns a good 90% of Christian denominations who believe in the need for a personal relationship with God.
Third, it poses the question of her own belief in personal salvation. As a denominational leader she is responsible for the direction of the spiritual policies affecting all those committed to her oversight. Therefore it is a critical question and one that needs answering. Note carefully how she phrased her statement “…the great Western heresy.”
She specifies four ideas that make up what she calls that heresy:
1. that we can be saved as individuals,
2. that any of us alone can be in right relationship with God,
3. that individualist focus is a form of idolatry
4. reciting a specific verbal formula about Jesus (by the way, most denominational baptisms require a verbal formula)
As far as formulas are concerned we must ask, what is a catechism recitation, the use of a prayer book, the use of creeds at worship and the consequences for those who dare modify or stray from its exacting recitation in her denomination? It seems therefore, her conclusion about heresy is a heresy, a false assumption about God, a cul de sac with a dead end. And, as head of a ‘Christian’ denomination, here is a clear abuse of Scripture, the Cross, the Resurrection and the Lord and Savior, Jesus Himself.
What is really telling about compromised leadership is that of all the hundreds of bishops, priests and lay people present, there was not one objection, one prophetic voice, one critique to challenge her remarks.
So what is the Scriptural context by which we handle such thought?
First, Mrs. Schori wants us to conclude that it is bad to think we can accept Jesus personally because it places each of us at the center of existence. Well of course it does! That was His intention! Ultimate existence is the Kingdom of God and that is very central, very personal and very interpersonal, “Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God — children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God (Jn.1:12-13).”
Second, since Jesus is the center as the Father indicated in His Son’s Baptism and Transfiguration, each one of us who believe in Him is personally at one with Him as He prayed for in John 17:20-26! He desires every person in the world to be with Him at the center where He is. When we invite Jesus into our hearts as He encouraged (John 3:16) where does that put us? Absolutely right---at the center with Him! What a blessing that we sinners should be loved that much!
Third, what does Jesus say to His disciples before His crucifixion? “In my Fathers’ house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am (John 14:2-3).”
Praise Him, thank Him, fall down on our knees and worship Jesus the Lord. He died to prove how much He loves each of us, how much He wants us to be at one with Him and how much He did to send His Holy Spirit to make it possible to be at one with Him and therefore central to Him and with Him. We are in serious eternal trouble if this isn’t true. The Lord Jesus has placed each of us as the center of His individual focus in order for us to know He came to save us personally. We are no longer orphans but His friends, younger brothers and sisters of His in the Kingdom. That is why we evangelize, share the truth of the Gospel, minister to the lost and bring others into the Body of Christ.
So be on guard when cul de sac thinking emerges. Like Earl Sandifer said, “If you’re five minutes away from the Bible I can’t trust you and if I’m five minutes away from the Bible you can’t trust me.”
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