Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
Wisdom 23 Jesus, One with Us
“…the uniqueness of Jesus lies in the incarnation, the atonement and the exaltation. Each is unparalleled (John Stott).” As we ended last time, we want to pursue the uniqueness of Jesus in those three realities, incarnation, atonement and exaltation.
First, the Incarnation.
The eternal Son of God, Jesus, came out of eternity to be born like us, in a limited individual body, living in a specific time, place, family, among an ethnic group, in a geographic location. This is really important. He didn’t sweep across the world in a flash of lightning and thunder and come in some Hollywood ‘Star Wars’ fantasy nor did He lead an army to instill fear and intimidation until an invaded populace was subdued and believed. He came in among an obscure people in a working family in an obscure province. He learned a trade from His stepfather, personally raised by His mother, having brothers, growing up learning the Word. Like all of us He had to process life by making choices and decisions. There is nothing recorded about His early years other than His going to the Temple and questioning the elders.
The summary statement about His early life covers all we need to know, “Everyone who heard Him was amazed at His understanding and His answers.” To top it all off, He chose twelve lower class men into whom He poured His life and teachings. Paul’s observation was very real, ”God chose the foolish things to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong; He chose the lowly and despised things of the world…to nullify the things that are (1Cor.1:22-28).” It’s what the body of Jesus contained that drew people to Him; His grace, His love His truth, His Spirit, His simplicity, His uniqueness.
When His perplexed parents missed Him for three days, they found Him in the Temple and wanted to know why. He said matter-of-factly, “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” They still didn’t get it. Then He went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But His mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men (Luke 2:51-52).” Now to really see the meaning here, it was the Passover celebration the family was attending. Already the Cross is in view.
What Jesus at this young age was doing was identifying Himself, first with His Heavenly Father and secondly with His earthly parents. He had both a spiritual and an earthly identity. Out of this foundation He grew personally and relationally. In other words, God the Son chose the limitations we all have; a mind, heart and spirit that have to learn and grow in the context of a physical body. And all this done through faith and submission to the will of God and parents. Is it any wonder it took thirty years for Him to process life and choose to accept who He was, His being God the Son and Messiah; the vertical and horizontal beams of the Cross centered in Him and His faith in His Father and His Word? God indeed incarnated Himself, came in a human body with all its limitations and revealed a love that every human being has longed for since their birth. It was the incarnation of the most unique love ever known, the love of God. And God made us an image to reflect His love, to share His love and to be bearers of His grace and truth. They come through us from Him. “As the Father has sent me that is the way I am sending you (Jn.20:21).” Being spiritually born, that’s our commission and mission. Next, the atonement.
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