Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
Worship is a growing experience wherein the mind expands its reasoning capability through belief, the heart is nourished to increase in trust and the spirit is energized to be more relationally discerning and confident so that we can reach out to others in love. What does it take to make this growth happen? How do we get that growth spurt? How do we become more able to sense what's in the hearts of those around us so that we can share our faith with them?
It depends on our personal understanding of worship.
Worship is attitudinal. It's what you think is worth thinking and willing yourself to do because you have chosen something or someone to fill your space, your aloneness, your needs and your moments. For disciples of Jesus worship is consciously placing Him at the center of our every next moment. Him moving in our hearts takes an attitude, a willingness, to give Him your all. Real attitude in this case takes altitude, an altitude that develops aptitude. We are talking spiritually here. Remember our personal reality, that we are spiritual beings having a human experience?
Liken it to space travel.
Our space is spiritual, personal and relational. The spiritual gravity of sin holds us locked in self-centeredness, fear and pride. When we probe our interior we have to ask why we always end up with a need to justify our thoughts and action and then rationalize them if they are different than those of others. Why are we so concerned with being right as opposed to wrong, guarded in the presence of others, being alone to get away from others and then being with others in order not to be alone? We know there is more than what we can grasp with our minds, hearts and spirits from within.
The historic world of humanity has produced the physical and social sciences, philosophy and religion, economies and governments as a means of answering, coping and surviving but the 'final frontier' still lies outside of us. Each of them present a value, a 'right' way, a worth to follow but end up with the question, “Why do I still feel there's more?” That's what the successful rich and morally aware young man who asks Jesus how he can get eternal life (Mt.19:16). Isn't there something I can do that is really good that will give me eternal life? Not only what is worth living for but what is worth dying for? Each human being is born brand new with that question dragging close behind. Each human being learns to adjust to the unseen quest within, life forever. Every human being always ends up looking out and up awaiting the means to launch into the unseen reality of truth for the mind, wisdom and trust for the heart and a life force that fills and drives our mind, heart and spirit into eternity. Jesus tells the young rich man very simply, “If you're looking to be perfect, give it all to the poor, that's heavenly treasure, then follow me.” Catch that? It's belief in a person, it's trusting that person and it's following that person. That's what worship really is. Jesus is the worth for every next moment. A relationship with Jesus is a life that continues to unfold in every next moment into eternity.
Ultimately we have to face the fact we are all born to place our inner self in an outer reality where ultimate worth is found. That worth is life itself. Worship is all about living with Jesus in every next moment.
Now, let's go back to the future in spiritual space.
We have to forcefully leap from the gravity of cultural limitation that holds worship to an advertised hour on Sunday in order to experience weightless flight in the spiritual space of every next moment. There grace is the atmosphere. Our vessel is Holy Scripture, our guidance system is the leading of the Holy Spirit, and faith is our fuel.
It's not until we leave the fallen world's atmosphere of sin, fear and pride through repentance and forgiveness that we can look back and see what held us down. Then we are able to have a new attitude, one that looks forward with expectation to the unknown that lies ahead. This is where spiritual altitude in the Holy Spirit leads to developing spiritual aptitude in relational reality to minister and be ministered to. Here we gain aptitude in discernment and wisdom, using the Spirit's gifts nourished by the fruit of the Spirit to reach out to others. Ministry and mission are our purpose in the endless spiritual space we call eternity, the extension of the Kingdom of God right where we are. We start with attitude, move up in altitude as we develop and expand our aptitude.
When we move to deepen the level of our personal worship we turn to God's Word. It's like tapping a well. We enter inner space. Three things are needed when you tap a well, knowing what you are tapping for and where you believe it is, the trusted equipment necessary to do the job and the labor force necessary to direct and get the job done.
First, when you are dealing with oil or water or gas you work on the belief that certain structures lie beneath the earth's surface that point to the possibility of where those reserves lie. In spiritual space you need to believe where the source of the answers lie. The mind needs to have some conceptual base it can believe in and upon which it can operate. Belief in Scripture opens us to where we observe the structures that exist in human nature, in the human heart, mind and spirit, that need attention. There we find what causes the instability in them and the way to bring them to the surface so that a force of sufficient power can treat and heal them. Scripture offers the explanation of the source of the problem and its solution. Scripture is the structure where both the seen and unseen forces of spiritual reality are identified and exposed. Worship is believing the Word.
Second, Scripture provides the equipment necessary for the heart to trust and tap the resources necessary to do the job of healing and restoration to life. As you read the words of Scripture they are the probe that diagnoses and offers the specific answers to each person's willingness to accept the probe's discovery. Scripture's record of spiritual history from Genesis through all the Prophets details issues that will touch the inner depth of any individual willing to accept their diagnosis. The Gospels and Epistles will offer the relational opportunity of walking with Jesus as Savior and Lord to give a daily program of spiritual activity that brings life into every moment. Worship is trusting the Word.
Third, the labor force is the Holy Spirit who personally energizes our spirit with the faith to act. He tends to the needs of the moment revealing the presence of the mind and heart of Jesus through the Word that is being read for that day. The well of Scripture is the adjustment panel the Spirit dials to bring life through faith into the moment, spiritual life to the full. This is the spiritual life that God gives us to act for Him in every next moment. It is the Spirit that provides the gifts that enable us to be relational and the fruit that nourishes their ministry as well as the inspiration and power for mission. Worship is faithfully acting through the Word.
Now these three, belief, trust and faith through Scripture, are described in very general terms. The specific ways they work are tailored by the Holy Spirit according to the individual's willingness to receive His guidance, to worship. That's why to be too specific would make any personal illustration the way to experience its reality. In Jesus spiritual reality is very individually personal and how He works in each of our lives will be unique and special. Next, being specific without being specific.
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