Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
“Sounds like gibberish to me” “What kind of noise is that?” “That’s weird” And you’ve heard those before I’m sure. So just what is ‘speaking in tongues?’ This opens the door to one of the most sensitive spiritual issues among Christians today. It has been the source of division in many denominations. In fact several denominations have been founded on the need for acceptance of this gift as a central tenet of faith. ‘Pentecostal’ and ‘charismatic’ are terms usually used to describe the movement of the Holy Spirit that emphasizes the more ecstatic gifts as marks of a true believer. Gifts like tongues, interpretation of tongues, healing, exorcism, words of knowledge, words of prophecy along with experiences described as being ‘slain in the spirit’ and being given a ‘prayer language.’
As in all movements there are those who carry their experience to extremes and use it as a standard to determine if a person is a true Christian. This has led to the founding of many denominations that build their following on experiences and doctrines they believe are central and required for salvation but neglected by others. “If you don’t believe what we tell you, you can’t go to Heaven.” Thank the Lord that He gave Paul chs.12-14 of his first letter to Corinth to clear up the questions we have in regard to these exotic gifts.
The cautionary note here is that denominations tend to pour concrete on an experience or an interpretation of Scripture and make it binding for membership. Institutional or denominational membership is not a passport into the Kingdom of God. A personal relationship with Jesus is.
Further, there is a tension between truth and experience. Then there is also a tension between individual and corporate faith. Also there is the tension between believers in the Body as they grow with one another. On top of these there is the tension between the believer and the world where faith is expressed. These tensions are the result of sin and the devil stoking its furnace. This is why God gave us Scripture so that we can walk through those tensions and watch Him resolve them through the Holy Spirit’s guidance as we go. Further, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to serve one another for each other’s benefit. When people see the Body of Christ at work through its spiritually gifted members they will hunger for the Lord and Spirit who can fill their empty aloneness.
So where does the gift of tongues come in to all of this? Three things need to be said about this gift. First, it needs definition. Second, it needs to be tried. Third, it needs to be open to confirmation.
In 1Cor.13:1 Paul says there are two kinds of tongues or languages (Gk.-‘glossolalia’), man’s and angel’s. Man’s, being languages of different nations and cultures. Angel’s, being a spiritual language given by the Holy Spirit. If we place them in the context of Paul’s primary theme, the Cross, we find that angelic language enables the gifted to speak vertically to God for self (1Cor.14:4) while the ability to speak another language than one’s native national or tribal language is communication on the horizontal level, given to spread the Gospel (Acts 2:9-11).
If the gift of tongues is experienced in an assembly of believers, whether in worship or a small group, the interpretation of tongues is a gift given (1Cor.12:10) to open the meaning of what a speaker in tongues says. It is not a translation but an interpretation to reveal a spiritual insight from the Lord for an individual, group or the whole Body present at that moment (1Cor.14:27).
Second, try it.
Paul said he’d like everyone to speak in tongues even though prophesy is better (1Cor.14:5). So don’t miss out on it. Pray to see if you are given the gift. You may be one who needs to deepen your communication with the Lord and you may be one called to bare one of His insights in a group or in worship. Remember, a gift is a piece of grace acted out in the measure of faith you are willing to risk for Him. Tongues and their interpretation are not for everyone (1Cor.12:7,11,30, ch.14) but why not try it?
The Lord will confirm the gift through other members of the Body. Pray with those in your small group if you find that the Holy Spirit is nudging you to consider its place in your growth. Others there may have the gift and will help you. They can lay hands on you and pray with you. Those who believe they understand what is being said need to step forward and offer an interpretation. A group will confirm it or not as the case may be.
Spiritual gifts are all about building the Body (1Cor.12:7, 25, 14:12). They are intended to be studied, sought, observed, shared, and constantly practiced. This is how we grow spiritually in this world and the substance of what we carry into the next. Much more could be said about tongues and interpretation but Scripture says it best, “Three things, then, to sum this up: When you speak forth God’s truth, speak your heart out. Don’t tell people how they should or shouldn’t pray when they’re praying in tongues that you don’t understand. Be courteous and considerate in everything (1Cor.14:39 The Message Bible).”
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