7But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it…11 some to be evangelists…(Eph.4).”

“I don’t do street corners or push my ideas on others. Religion is a private thing. I know I’m not an evangelist. I leave all ‘that’ to the ‘Billy Graham’ types.” I bet you’ve heard ‘that’ too or maybe even felt that way when asked to be part of a team visiting newcomers or being in the midst of others who are talking about what it means to be a Christian. Did you ever consider that you were in those situations as the result of the Spirit moving your personal faith into the open? Let’s look at what being an evangelist is all about.

The Greek word for evangelists is ‘euangellistas’ literally ‘good proclamationists.’ The ‘eu’ in Greek means ‘good’ or ‘well’ and ‘angellos’ means proclamation, announcement and news. So our English word ‘evangelism’ means to verbally share Jesus as the One with whom we can have a faith-relationship restoring us to God who gives each of us eternal life.

While all believers are called to be witnesses who share the Lord with others there are some who have a special measure of grace enabling them to touch the heart of non-believers so that they accept Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord. Again this is not the work of man’s talent or genius but the work of the Holy Spirit. The gift is the vehicle given to believers who find they are led to it in the Spirit.

Evangelism is two–pronged, witnessing and presenting the good news. The first prong is being a witness. The Greek word for witness is ‘marturion’ from which we get the word, ‘martyr’, one who willing to set self aside and be a “living sacrifice (Ro.12:1)” to share your experience of Jesus. The Lord is not calling on you to convert anyone. He is simply asking you to be available to speak about Him when He gives you the opportunity. He does the work. All you have to do is be there, tell your personal story of how you came to believe in Jesus and let the Spirit do the rest.

The second prong, intentionally presenting the good news, is something you prepare yourself to do. Making yourself consciously available to talk about the truth of Jesus as the One who helps you to become reborn spiritually is a gift. You may share your own story of coming to faith but you may find you are not satisfied until you can give reasons for faith in Jesus. That takes prayer, study planning and risk. This is why you question your heart and ask yourself about those moments you wish you had had the right words, those moments you were led to say something but didn’t and that continual urging you get within to share. These are indicators you just might have the gift of evangelist.

Developing the gift of evangelist demands prayer, studying the Gospels, knowing Old Testament themes, practicing with other believers, confirmation from those believers who know you and then a willingness to act when the opportunity is given. All the other spiritual gifts are given to build the Body of Christ. Being a witness and the gift of evangelist are given to expand the Body.

As an aside it may be well to note that the biblical percentage of those in any local body who have the gift of evangelist is ten, ten percent. Acts 1:15 tells us that there initially were one hundred twenty disciples just after the Resurrection. Of those, twelve were designated evangelists, ten percent, the Apostles. Later, of course, as the Body of Christ grew more received the gift. So both the gifted and the witnesses were the means of the Body’s growth.

Paul tells Timothy to do the work of an evangelist (2Tim.4:5). Peter says, “But make sure in your hearts that Christ is Lord. Always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks you about the hope you have. Be ready to give the reason for it. But do it gently and with respect (1Pet.3:15).” These simply reinforce the calling which all of us have.

There is no greater privilege than to share the difference Jesus has made in our hearts and minds, how we feel and think, how we move with more confidence among the people around us. Having a spiritual relationship that puts everything in balance and perspective has been man’s search since Adam and Eve. The Lord Jesus does that for everyone willing to accept Him. Just share that.

Peter has a final word for us. “10Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. 11If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God… (1Peter 4).”

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