Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
Have You Been 'Trump'ed?
OK a'ready! You asked me about Donald Trump. You know I don't do politics on this site. My personal political view will be voiced in my vote which I will pray about and be informed to make. Your political view, I hope, is shaped by your faith. But, my point here is when asked a question about anything I need to be ready to bring a spiritual evaluation into the discussion. That's what I want to do now and encourage you to do. So return with me to the 'debate' which was not a debate but a reporters' interview session. (A real debate is where all those on a panel are asked the same questions and each one gives his view.)
What did we really see? Again, think spiritually. Think biblical principles. Think Jesus.
The visual presentation was very revealing. There were two sessions with 17 participants in all. It was the second session in front of an audience that started with a question about pledging party loyalty. Would everyone on the panel pledge to stick to their party regardless of the outcome? One person raised his hand which meant 'no' but with an attached rationale. It was the 'Donald.' There was an immediate audience reaction of both negative and surprised 'ooh's and 'ah's.' The question was an obvious set-up by a hostile interviewer. He came to the 'interview' knowing he would be put on the spot. He has caused quite a stir as a maverick who has been very deliberately outspoken and has touched on some very serious national issues in way that has brought him incredible attention. Both Democrat and Republican leaders shun him. Yet he stands unfazed in his opinion and continues to garner amazing grass roots support in spite of opposition from his own party and the press in general. His motto is “Make America Great Again!” He seems to want us to get the idea that he thinks America and its future are more important than party affiliation. He wants voters to have a glimpse of that.
What I have just described is a great opener for a believer to share the Lord in conversation, to turn a current theme into a testimony.
Here is an individual standing up for what he believes is important that goes beyond party loyalty, the greatness of America. What a lead in to share the Lord with someone or a group. Jesus was loyal to His Father in spite of the party power of Pharisee, Sadducee and priesthood that were running the social and religious circles of His time. His Father's will was to bring the personal world in which every heart lived, back to Him. He knew He would have to stand alone in that endeavor.
Look at Paul. Paul said he was a Pharisee of Pharisees, a Hebrew of Hebrews and a Roman citizen but his final loyalty was to Jesus and even went so far as to go to Rome and bring his testimony to the emperor.
The point in all this is there is a greater good, a greater morality, a greater Person who models our humanity and died to prove it. Just like there is a rightness that is above political party, there is a rightness in being a person. It's not about a religious system, a denomination an ethical attitude or ethnic background or institutional membership. It's about a relationship with God who defines what it means to be human, to be a person and to have purpose and meaning in life. If an institution becomes more important than God then leave it and go back to Him. Institutions are there to serve not be served.
Education, economics, politics, social welfare, health, personal peace, affluence, lifestyle choices can all find their fulfillment in a relationship with God in Jesus. He is greatness personified.
You, yes you, in Jesus, can become great again. “If you can be trusted in little things you can be trusted in great things (Lk.16:10).”
Our nation can become great again. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord (Ps.33:12).”
Our lives can become great again. “I have come to bring you life and life to the full (Jn.10:10).”
All the issues that face us are themes that need personal attention and if you have a perfect person to follow who can lead you into their fulfillment why not let Jesus be your guide through the wilderness that is the world? He went to the Cross and rose from death to be that personal, that great and that determined to show His grace, truth and love to a needy world.
I don't care how you say all that. You are unique and will be unique in the way you carry the Scripture forth. But the basic idea is to use every and any situation and see it as a spiritual entry into the heart of another person. Even 'the Donald' can be used as an illustration. I have no idea as to his spiritual leanings. Does that make a difference? No. It's the principle of standing alone for truth. It's standing up for Jesus and offering Him so that others may become great. As disciples for Jesus and His Word that means wherever we are and with whomever we meet. Every event, every occasion, every next moment, has its utility to be a spiritual gateway. I'm simply saying be aware, spiritually aware, and use it to His glory. You will be blessed.
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