Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
Having been asked to expand on the “Have You Been 'Trump'ed'?” article let me say this again. The real issue is not political. It is spiritual. So let's carry it a bit further in the analogy. In Jesus' time there were two major parties and a third advisory group, Pharisees, Sadducees and priests. The Pharisees were religious conservatives. The Sadducees were liberal cultural compromisers and the priesthood was a kind of cabinet. Each had their own agenda.
Jesus came on the scene before people saying there was a life greater than that found in the gyrations and party power struggles of the Pharisees, Sadducees and priestly legalism. His focus was serving the will of His Father. The Scripture was His 'Constitution.' He challenged the party system, the loss of leaders' attitude to be servants of God to the people. What was most important to Him was their spiritual condition which through Him could find meaning and purpose again. If one had spiritual life then political, social and economic life in the world would be different. Life was relational and that was what He came to restore. When individuals are relationally oriented in Him the world is changed.
A rough parallel today would be the Democrat (liberal), Republican (conservative) and the cabinet ('appointed' interpreters of those in office). Both parties are 'the establishment.' In the media circus there is the liberal establishment represented by CNN (and sub groups). Then there is the conservative establishment represented by Fox (and sub groups). Both have profit motivation behind the ideological axes they grind (not unlike the time of Jesus). The question of loyalty to an establishment group as the solution to national issues narrows the understanding of belonging to a large nation of people whose ultimate relationships and goals are based on social and economic freedom as defined by a document called the Constitution. Bottom line---a nation is greater than its parties. Its goals are to secure family, personal and interpersonal exchange and protect it from evil doers within and without. These are greater than party ideologies. When its leadership is united the people feel freer to pursue the goals for which they were created. “One nation under God with liberty and justice for all.”
Therefore it's refreshing to have someone come into the political picture who stands alone among 16 others who puts the nation and its values ahead of party. I am not touting Trump. Rather I am saying that he is challenging the established 'ho hum' of politics just as Jesus was challenging the leadership of His nation who were more interested in pursuing their own agenda as opposed to serving the hearts of their people. For us in our time, national health, border protection, Israel, abortion, same sex relationships, excessive environmental regulations, welfare financing, international policy making and our national standing and its responsibilities, are all based first on our spiritual concepts and then our national values drawn from them. All of has heretofore been approached in terms of party loyalty and legalism not national or spiritual loyalty which is service to those who want leaders who will return to the concepts that formed this nation. That has to change.
Political parties are here to serve not define nor redefine humanity's struggle for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” We are not ultimately loyal to a party or a national structure. The best citizens are those who work to understand and serve values that come from above them. Our loyalty is to God and then how He leads us to best organize the structures within a nation to serve its people. This basic concept is seen in the phrase that says “we have been endowed with certain inalienable rights.” The operative word is 'endowed.' It's from above. So if we are citizens we want the freedom to serve one another. We have to shift from seeing political parties as a power base to groups doing their best to hold the nation ahead of the party. The nation was not created to serve a party but conversely, the party to serve the nation. We have lost that perspective. Politicians strive to stay in office. Servants strive to keep faith, family and community above themselves. Self-interest is replaced with other's interest. Too much is in the hands of one person's complaints. It's the tyranny of the minority.
In the secular world you have to compromise. But not your values. Secular compromise involves issues that have to do with maintaining the peace and punishing evil doers. That's the basic function of a government. You'll find that is very biblical (Rom.13:1-7). In that context you are keeping the social environment calm in order to allow its inhabitants to feel free to work, be productive and relax without conflict and bodily harm. It doesn't happen if you attempt compromise at the sacrifice of personal values. Leadership needs to understand that context in foreign policy. Teddy Roosevelt was clear about that, “Speak softly but carry a big stick.” A man does not carry the sword in vain (Rom.13:4). Again, 'One nation--- under God---with liberty and justice for all.'
All that is said here is why Scripture calls us to pray for our leaders, then it implies we be informed. From here we take part in OUR government, write congressmen, get into the community structures, involve ourselves in ministry, bring people to know Christ and pray that we can be used by Him right where we are.
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