Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
Intimacy 104
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus (Gal.3:28).”
Relational intimacy is that openness between God and His children as well as the restoration of that same openness between His children. Look closely at what Paul describes in the above verse regarding Jew and Greek. There humanity is defined by bloodline and nation. Slave and free is how humanity is defined socially and economically. Male and female defines biological identity. These distinctions are found not only in the Bible. They are classically defined in the arts, literature and drama from mankind's earliest records. This is secular history and spiritual history supports their origin.
It goes far beyond logic that anyone would attempt to define and change what has been historic reality. The human race itself is reproductively definitive and objective in this regard. There is no other way to continue human existence than through male and female biological interchange. Self perception and self definition are imperfect at best. To assume differently is to denigrate and undermine the integrity, worth and value of humanity. The present trendy approach of genderism as reality is a launching platform into absurdity that promises only great injury to rising generations of children whose world is confusing enough without adding adults rampaging into egotistical self indulgent intellectuality.
The very word gender is a modern linguistic intrusion by emotionally fragmented people whose internal imbalances seek acceptance and approval. While its root word was the Latin genus meaning sort or kind gender was used only in grammar describing male and female nouns. Transferring modern internal meaning to objective nouns that have an historic definition has become the escape route for those with emotional issues. You can feel the cries of lonely people whose internal struggles scream for acceptance and approval. It is also media fascination promoting the conflict for profit that draws groups of sympathetic like strugglers to demand an audience. Love me, love me, love me, is their plea.
Throw into this mix leaders in business, sports, politics and education that fear loss of profit and you have an unspoken, fake superficial approval of whatever internal restlessness desires publicity. Instead of true and intimate acceptance, a hollow chorus of frightened leaders betray the people they have responsibility to lead. C.S.Lewis described them as men without chests. They run our sports franchises, our corporate policies, our educational institutions and spread their fear in the halls of our political structures.
Most of what we see is distorted internal confusion about sexuality. The more the issue is discussed the more rampant the obsession and the more distant the solution to a balanced view of sexuality. The more emotional the issue the more it becomes hidden in fractured dialogue until every one gives in to whatever the trend happens to be. A lot of what we see comes from self hate that arises from a lack of adequate self esteem and the absence of a secure identity.
When self definition is the norm it leads to what history calls anarchy. Anarchy is the sure path to self destruction and death not only of individuals but of any society or culture that allows it. Out of this maze comes the rise of dictators and socially dedicated dictators are the worst. They define morality to suit themselves. Disagreement with the dictator ends up where everyone suffers the consequences. Its inherent disease is political correctness.
History as recent as World War 2 revealed the dynamic of Nazism and its like form in Communism for which Socialism paves the way. They are the stuff of political correctness. The Occupy movement, Black Lives Matter, ethnic descriptions like hyphenated national names, others like the elimination of ma'am and sir as superior/inferior concerns, no longer are there actors and actresses, chairmen without chairwomen; all these bearing implied discrimination even when there none is meant. In fact honor was and is intended in them. All of it is conformity to a common invisible social fear. It's the age of being offended. Everyone is subtly urged to be hyper sensitive. Goodbye intimacy. Intimacy is the victim and guess who is behind that!
As disciples of Jesus we stand ready to be honest right where we are. Letters to newspapers and congressmen may offer personal satisfaction but it's our relational honesty in our everyday world that is needed. The Bible shows that all the world's definitions never measure up to its true definition of humanity as images of God. When images of God become believers in God they are His children and His children are inheritors of His Kingdom and they are spiritual brothers and sisters in His family of which He is Father, Lord and Spirit. The family of God is the arena for the restoration of intimacy. Our task is to invite the rest of the world around us to join us in the process.
This is truth, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus (Gal.3:28).”
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