Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
Intimacy 105
Remember this from the last article addressed to both men and women? “OK. Try this. You got the car, the house, the lady or the man, the job, the trophy, the membership, the money. But did you get the fulfillment that your heart wanted? Did those things bring that sense of inner satisfaction that lasts? You got what you wanted but did you get what you were really after? If you didn't, well, let's talk Jesus.”
So, if you got what you wanted, did you get what you really wanted? We mentioned rather broad categories that involve general satisfaction, but what about the daily challenges of momentary choice and decision? A few examples might help us see the gravity of what it means to be a sinner in the world.
Take driving for instance. There are so many illustrations in driving. We could probably list a hundred but just a few to get us started. You can add your own.
First, and this is significant, most of the time you are alone so there's no one to judge what you do. You know, like when you're going down the highway and there's someone in front of you going more slowly than you'd like. So you speed up and fly around them turning in rather abruptly so they get the point about holding you up. Why do we get so angry when we drive?
Second, traffic is thick. Again, you zoom ahead for an opening on your left to get to the light first hoping it doesn't change before you get there.
Third, you now this one. It's the empty parking space and you have a few feet ahead of someone coming from the other direction. You grab it first.
Fourth, the light is turning yellow. Can you get there before it turns red?
Fifth, why is it I can't stop and ask directions when I'm not sure of where I am?
Sixth, it's really important to get to the light first. Why?
Seventh, the big one that covers all the rest of our driving idiosyncracies---you're in my way!
In all of these it has to do with what I want at the moment. Why do I feel I have to drive so fast all the time? If I am able to get what I want as a driver in the moment was it worth it? Who did I impress? Just some unknown nameless person in another car ignited emotionally by our action. Did I get what I really wanted in that fleeting forgettable moment?
Having looked at driving how about some of our responses to other momentary opportunities? We're in a discussion on some topic we feel strongly about. Is it important to win or simply state a viewpoint?
The TV is on and commercials hit our 'want' button. How much of our responses are geared to self justification? Do we really need our wants?
I'm watching different political leaders spout their party line. How am I responding as I listen to them?
Is it easier not to respond when a controversy arises even though you have strong opinions about the subject matter and may even be emotionally involved?
I'm in a shopping mall and several young people pass by with nose rings and multi-colored hairdos. Something inside rattles my chains. What is that 'something?'
All of these issues open the door to intimacy with God. They are personal every day concerns that arise in any moment and demand a response of some kind. Am I tuned into the fact of the spiritual distance I am experiencing at those moments? That distance is measured by my attitude, the way I judge with or without God and His Word at those moments. As disciples we need to recognize at those moments it's really got to do with the gift of the Holy Spirit. When I am confronted with a choice as to what I think, say, feel, act on, it is the Holy Spirit who is giving us the opportunity to be a witness to the intimacy we have with the Lord. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of intimacy and He is working in us to restore and develop that marvelous gift.
When Jesus said He was going to send His Spirit He really meant it. It would be His personal descent into our mind, heart and spirit. The Holy Spirit would bring our hearts into a personal encounter with Jesus. His descent would be our ascent into Him. Our heart lifted to His heart. Our mind to His mind. Our spirit to His Spirit. Is it any wonder that Paul, writing to the Colossian believers, would say, “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set you mind on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory (Col.3:1-4).”
The Lord has provided this intimacy through the Holy Spirit and our task as disciples is to name it, frame it and proclaim it. We name intimacy, frame intimacy in our minds, same it in our hearts and proclaim it by our actions. Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit will bring to mind everything He has taught (Jn.14:26). We're not talking churchy, ethereal, religious stuff here. This is a real personal experience. It's the one He intended when we were born and the one He provided when we were born a second time, spiritually. Intimacy with God cauterizes our impulsive world conditioned responses and returns us to His attitude of listening, discerning and responding in the way His Word teaches. This is the play from day to day when we pray and stay in the Way. This is the life we have been given through Jesus, eternal intimacy with the Father through Jesus in the power of the Spirit.
All of our human desires are misty mirror reflections of our one spiritual desire as images of God, intimacy with Him. Intimacy with God restores our balance and intimacy with others and in Jesus alone can this intimacy be found.
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