Remember again the first temptation in the Garden of Eden? Doubt God's Word. It happens here in the second temptation as well, Matt.4:5-7. You can almost hear the devil thinking, 'So Jesus chose to live in the flesh alone and subject to the world's lures, hmmm, so He won't give into hunger? Human beings like to be in control. They want physical and material security. Well I'll get him another way. If I can't get Him to prove Himself with hunger, I'll get Him to get His whole body involved. I'll take Him to the place that means most to Him, the temple. I'll get Him on the pinnacle where He can play to a crowd and see if I can get Him to jump off and show His power, that will settle it. But first I'm going to soften Him up with His own Scriptures,' so he says to Jesus, 'He shall give His angels charge over you, and 'In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.'
Jesus' reply is significant in three ways. First, it shows that His focus was spiritual, His Father, His will and His Word. Real life is spiritual. People are spiritual. All decisions are spiritual and have spiritual consequences. What Jesus does here is to give us the key of spiritual truth to see through the cloudy evil that darkens the world, the heart and the mind. Jesus gives everyone access to spiritual focus. He allows us to discern, to think and to act spiritually. That is what Jesus' life demonstrated.
Second, it shows that real power is spiritual heart power not physical power. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus that directed Him in the Word, in prayer and always in relation to His Father. The power of decision and choice in the mind and heart is the power that changes the world, not magic stunts, military show, political prowess or economic security. Again it is a changed heart that changes the world. If Jesus, His presence and His teaching remain our focus we will be in the Spirit in the Father's will. That is what Jesus' life demonstrated
Third, faith is the real issue here. Jesus' humanity is all about focus it is faith that keeps us in focus. That is the key for us because for us to be fully human the way we think is a world view that is grounded in faithfully seeking the way God thinks. That is why we stay in His Word, analyze experience through His Word and act in His Word.
that is what Jesus' life demonstrated.
Jesus shows us that life is not lived for the moment. It is lived for eternity, forever. We can't allow ourselves to be swallowed up in the needs of our lonely and uncertain moments but in the context of spiritual existence that has no beginning and no end. The values enabling that to happen can be found in the life and person of Jesus and Him alone. Next comes the third temptation, 4:8. Stay tuned.
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