“The heart is that indefinable place within where who we are connects the dots of our thinking, emotions and spirit. It is the resting place of who we really are in attitude, character and behavior (Resurrection 13).”
Because the heart is indefinable but real, elusive yet always prompting, struggling to express itself while smitten with insecurity, the heart can be buffeted by the winds of its emotional sensitivity. The heart can be both a battleground and an oasis where indecision cripples one minute and dredges up a comfort zone in the next neither of which offers any long-term satisfaction. Many of us are victims of our hearts’ drifting tendencies. If the heart has no harbor from the storms of relational insecurities, no dock to which it can tie itself in the secular currents, no mooring place in the currents of cultural confusion, no anchor in the changing tides of choice and decision, it will find itself tossed and broken on the rocks and reefs of lonely desperation and the sandbars of isolating depression.
Into this internal ocean of self the Lord brings His heart and lets it be seen as the definitive heart of which each of ours is an image hungering for its original. As these words are being written with the mind in gear it is the heart that measures each word and places them in the order they belong with the hope they will honor the heart of God and touch the hearts of others.
It is trust in the Lord that redefines, reshapes and reactivates our hearts. He places the Spirit of trust within to direct the traffic of the thoughts and words from the mind to the heart. It is the heart that trusts Jesus to be the harbor, the dock, the mooring place, and the anchor. He is the harbor where we find ourselves surrounded by brothers and sisters in His Body who help us refuel and provide spiritual provisions of worship, prayer and spiritual gifts. He is the dock and faith in Him is the gangplank to Him. He is our personal mooring place at the dock where the lines of His Word hold us tight to Him. He is the anchor when we are on the broad seas and enter the harbors where the world is separated from God and are assured we are being held in the channels of His grace and love. It is the heart that trusts His Spirit to open the hatches of the heart’s potential in every next moment. The Holy Spirit is the gift He has given that we may have His heart moving through the passageways of our hearts in every next moment.
What God has provided us in His Word not only shapes our mind to give us a worldview, a spiritual perspective to think like God, but also a heart gauge to measure where we are in our relationship with God, the world and others. As its stories, characters, poems, teachings and events are read the Holy Spirit touches the inner rooms of the heart and we can feel a reaction taking place within. We may open its pages with just a glancing curiosity or with purposeful intent and something may hit us with conviction or with an emotional jarring. It could be guilt or affirmation or joy or fear or memory stimulation. Perhaps a parable caught you off guard and you identified with its characters. Maybe it was the person of Jesus Himself that caught something in you and you know that you have to deal with it.
For each human being there is a connection waiting to happen and it’s a heart connection. This is why Paul prayed for the Ephesians and expressed it in such depth, “I pray to the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is the glorious Father. I keep asking him to give you the wisdom and understanding that come from the Holy Spirit. I want you to know God better. I also pray that your mind might see more clearly. Then you will know the hope God has chosen you to receive. You will know that the things God's people will receive are rich and glorious. And you will know his great power. It can't be compared with anything else. It is at work for us who believe (Eph.1:17-19).”
More on the heart…stay tuned………
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