Heart---how many ways that word is used to describe an inner mood, sense and feeling. You can be brokenhearted, wholehearted, downhearted, fainthearted, hardhearted. You can have heartache, be heartless, kindhearted, simplehearted, stouthearted and stubbornhearted. We can be described as someone who does or does not have ‘his heart in it,’ his or her heart ‘wanders’ or as one country song moans, “One has my money, the other has my heart.’ We need to have a 'heart to heart' talk. We also may say something like ‘I know in my heart’ in order to share what we believe to be an inner insight, an intuitive truth that has no, nor needs any, external verifiable proof.

So when the word ‘heart’ is used it means something deeper than we can put into words, which makes it the most meaningful, personal and important place in our human experience. That being true perhaps we can see why Jesus calls us to trust Him (Jn.14:1, 11) to believe in Him (Jn.2:16) to have faith in Him (Mk.5:34). These are all heart moves. We can read all about Him, hear accounts of others’ belief and acknowledge His influence but until our heart is involved He remains out there. Until we take the risk of considering Him and open up the heart to receive Him He remains a painted face, a figure in history and just another religious icon. Until we look deep into ourselves and note the spiritual emptiness, pride, fear and aloneness that engulfs us, the shallowness of the world’s trophies and where we all end up, we will be denying, avoiding and losing sight of our most precious possession, the heart. Most importantly we will be losing the experience of His heart open to us. Until we realize we are really avoiding Him as a person, a perfect person who knows us within and without, we will waste what He has given us; a heart fashioned to be like His.

It is the heart that seems to need the most comfort, the most courage and the most direction. Our mind can only do so much and our individual spirit lacks power. Again Jesus reveals His perfect perception when He says, “Where your treasure is [not your mind, spirit or body, but…] there your heart will be also (Lk.12:34).” That unseen part of us, the heart, is where relationship is birthed and berthed. Jesus calls us to love God with all our heart, to love others as we love ourselves. And where does relationship take place? In the heart!

Faith, hope and love are the ultimate qualities of God’s very nature given us in that moment of what man calls weakness, the open heart, the emotional vulnerability to be personal with someone you can’t see which is the essence of being human in every interpersonal encounter. When we meet another human being we immediately are moving on the level of the unseen and the unknown in them. We parry and thrust in the game playing, ‘feeling one another out,’ testing the invisible waters of potential relationships, ‘sizing them up.’ Isn’t it amazing how we move into those situations with such caution, self-protection and worldly judgment?

With Jesus you can come as you are, no holds barred and personal honesty in the moment is all He asks. You have the comfort of knowing your encounter with Him is private, in depth and the world outside is totally unaware. But that is how He approaches everyone. It can start with the mind or an observation or a question but the process is always within because that inner part, the heart, is who and what you are. The Resurrection makes it all possible, a heart to heart encounter with God Himself.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light (Mt.11:28-30 NIV).”

The Message Bible paraphrases it this way:
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Heart to heart…stay tuned………

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