HKHaugan's Blog (1,443)

Pentecost 96 Living the High Life

Pentecost 96 Living the High Life

In the 1949 movie, Knock On Any Door, a gang member philosophically sums up his frustration of living in a dead-end New York City environment when he says, “Live fast, die young and have a good looking corpse.” In many ways it categorizes much of the secular world’s philosophy, which tells us to get what we can while we can, no matter what you have to do to get it.

I remember sensing the lostness and futility other kids felt while living… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on November 18, 2009 at 1:21pm — No Comments

Pentecost 95 There's Bad News and Good News

Pentecost 95 There’s Bad News and Good News

A saddened and frustrated architect looks at a collapsed building he had designed, goes back to his drawing board, surveys every detail of his blueprints and, in anger, sweeps his arm across the tables scattering the blueprints across the floor. What went wrong? Where are the flaws? Was it his design? No one is perfect but he had checked every drawing and had his subordinates recheck them. He begins to survey every step of the construction… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on November 16, 2009 at 9:00am — No Comments

Pentecost 94 Getting It Right

Pentecost 94 Getting It Right

There is so much that can be said about judgment. The heart of judgment is the heart out of which it comes. It is the condition of the heart that determines the nature of judgment, the experience of judgment and the result of judgment.

Let’s look first at the nature of judgment. Judgment is built into each of us. No matter what we do, every situation demands a choice. We ponder it with our mind, process it attitudinally in our hearts and then… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on November 13, 2009 at 10:00am — No Comments

Pentecost 93 Judgment, It Should Have Been Us

Pentecost 93 Judgment, It Should Have Been Us.

“You better watch out you better not cry, you better not pout, I’m telling you why, Santa Claus is coming to town. He’s making a list and counting it twice, he’s looking for those who are naughty or nice, Santa Claus is coming to town. He knows when you’ve been sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, he knows when you’ve been good or bad so be good for goodness sake….” Remember that song around Christmas time? As cute as the song is it’s… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on November 12, 2009 at 6:00am — No Comments

Pentecost 92 Judgment

Pentecost 92 Judgment Romans 1:18-3:20

In this very long passage Paul has been inspired to hold nothing back. The opening of his letter is a blanket statement of the truth of the Gospel of God in Jesus the Christ, its inclusiveness of all humanity and the Roman Christians’ part in it. But there is an urgency in his message. They and all others who will receive this letter must understand the plight of the world, as they know it. It is doomed to destruction by the deliberate sin and… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on November 11, 2009 at 7:24am — No Comments

Pentecost 91 Judgment Day; Dread or Joy?

Pentecost 91 Judgment Day; Dread or Joy?

On the heels of the Word’s revelation of God’s wrath comes judgment, the final universal Day of Judgment. God has concluded and stated ahead of time, for our sake, there will be a day of judgment (Matt.12:36) when He will judge men’s secrets (1Cor.2:16). Jesus makes this very clear in Matt.25:31-46 where He uses the Parable of the Sheep and Goats to picture the event.

Four things will happen at the judgment:

First, all humanity… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on November 6, 2009 at 8:26am — No Comments

Pentecost 90 Letting God Get His Mind Around Us.

Pentecost 90 Letting God Get His Mind Around Us

Just as there is a difference between God’s wrath and man’s wrath there is also a difference between God’s judgment and man’s judgment. But first we need to revisit the whole issue of wrath. After that we will look at judgment.

God’s wrath is born out of His Holiness and perfection. It is not a planned wrath but rather the reaction of His sheer power of perfection and holiness that cannot but reject sin and evil. It is His… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on November 5, 2009 at 4:14pm — No Comments

Pentecost 89 Something You'll Want to Do

Pentecost 89 Something You’ll Want to Do

Years ago Roy Acuff was known as the ‘King of Country Music.” He sang a song called “ I Saw the Light.” One verse of the song says “I was alone, my life filled with sin. I wouldn’t let my dear Savior in. Then like the blind man God gave back my sight, praise the Lord, I saw the light.” We all want to see not only with our eyes but also with our minds and hearts. How we think spiritually determines how we move safely through unseen… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on November 4, 2009 at 9:30am — No Comments

Pentecost 86 Help! I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up!

Pentecost 86 Help! I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up!

“When my life was slipping away, I remembered God,

And my prayer got through to you, made it all the way to your Holy Temple.

Those who worship hollow gods, god-frauds, walk away from their only true love. But I'm worshiping you, God, calling out in thanksgiving!

And I'll do what I promised I'd do! Salvation belongs to God!" (Jonah 2:8-9 The Message Bible)

Man can only think, analyze and understand so much.… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on October 31, 2009 at 8:53pm — No Comments

Pentecost 88 When Thinking Becomes an Attitude

Pentecost 88 When Thinking Becomes an Attitude

Suppose you woke up in a wilderness and didn’t know where you were? This happened to a friend of mine in college. Some of his drunken fraternity brothers crept into his room when he was asleep, tied him up in a big burlap sack, carted him out to a country road and dumped him there in the middle of the night. He was terrified but his survival instincts kicked in and he was able to find his way to a main highway, identify where he was and… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on October 30, 2009 at 9:15am — No Comments

Pentecost 87 Q: When's the Best Time to Witness? A: Whenever You Can!

Pentecost 87 Q: When’s the Best Time to Witness?

A: Whenever You Can!

“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…(1Pet.3:15).”

When Lord Baden-Powell began the Boy Scouts the motto they embraced was “Be Prepared!” I’m sure that Peter influenced him. Preparation is critical because you never know when you will be called… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on October 27, 2009 at 4:52pm — No Comments

Pentecost 85 Seeing the Heart of Jesus

Pentecost 85 Seeing the Heart of Jesus

When you think Jesus you can’t but help ask, ‘Why Jesus? This brings us to the most important event in His life and that is the Cross. Emblazoned across the centuries is that intersecting two-beam image causing us to focus directly where the two beams meet. It is there at the heart of the Cross we find the heart of Jesus. It is there we see where this world ends and where eternity begins. It is there that the visible and the invisible dimensions… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on October 25, 2009 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Pentecost 84 Not Another 'Chick Flick'!

Pentecost 84 Not Another ‘Chick Flick'!

“Oh no, not another chick flick!.” When I want to see a movie it is usually an action kind of movie where the good guys beat the bad guys and somewhere inside you hope that will be reality in the real world. But lately I have been coaxed into watching a few ‘chick flicks.’ My reaction is usually a begrudging OK. The funny thing is I actually enjoyed the ones I’ve seen. They were light hearted, well acted and each one had a little moral that… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on October 22, 2009 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Pentecost 83 Runaway Minds in a Runaway World

Pentecost 83 Runaway Minds in a Runaway World

Years ago Michael Green wrote a book called Runaway World in which he showed that the world is running away from spiritual reality as presented in Jesus. It was brilliant in its analysis and theme. Consider our language. ‘Hold that thought’ ‘Keep in mind’ ‘Bear in mind’ ‘He’s out of his mind’ ‘Mind what you say’ ‘I’ve got to think it out’ ‘It isn’t logical’ ‘Give me a reason not to’ ‘The mind does funny things’ ‘It blows my mind’… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on October 18, 2009 at 8:12am — No Comments

Pentecost 82 Volcanoes Have a Lot to Say

Pentecost 82 Volcanoes Have a Lot to Say

When the Mt.St.Helen’s blast went off in the 80’s it created a vast sea of debris and covered the whole area with fine clouds of ashes and smoke for miles. The ranger describing the aftermath pointed to Spirit Lake that had risen 250’ from the landslide pouring into it. The blast was sideways. Then she described the trucks on nearby roads that had been picking up workers on other peaks nearby. The cloud was so thick they had to literally have… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on October 16, 2009 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Pentecost 81 Why We Need to be Born Again

Pentecost 81 Why We Need to be Born Again

“Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you (Gal.5:1 The Message).”

Let’s get down to it. What drives the secular world? Behind the scenes, underneath the glitter, the gloss and the glamor of what we can see, lies a sea of dark spiritual activity called evil, the devil’s extension of himself. To name the contents of evil is to identify what fuels the engine… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on October 15, 2009 at 11:00am — No Comments

Pentecost 80 Getting a Spiritual

Pentecost 80 Getting a Spiritual

Everyone needs a physical once a year. What we also need is a spiritual, probably more often, like say, everyday.

When Clint Eastwood said in the movie “Dirty Harry” ‘…A man’s got to know his limitations…’ he probably didn’t realize that was a very biblical truth. Man has limited intellect, limited physical ability and limited personal and interpersonal ability. The foundational problem is that he is spiritually limited by sin and its… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on October 12, 2009 at 9:04am — No Comments

Pentecost 79 Putting History in Perspective

Pentecost 79 Putting History in Perspective

When ‘The Rolling Stones’ sang, “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction” they were echoing a common human concern that a country song vents, “Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places.” And then that English movie whose musical theme was “What’s It All About Alfie?” asks the basic secular inspired question about human purpose. Love, satisfaction, purpose, meaning and significance top lost humanity’s list of searches whose answers are found in God… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on October 9, 2009 at 10:35am — No Comments

Pentecost 78 Living the Parable

Pentecost 78 Living the Parable

Jesus is a parable. He is the visible expression of the invisible God. The way Jesus believes is the mind of God. The way Jesus trusts is the heart of God. The Spirit of God motivates Jesus’ faith. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit and ministry of Jesus. Jesus said that when you have seen Him you have seen the Father and that He and the Father are One.

When you read Scripture you are reading a parable. Jesus said that the Word is truth. You open… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on October 5, 2009 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Pentecost 77 Thy Kingdom Come

Pentecost 77 Thy Kingdom Come

“Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you." (Lk.17:20-21 NIV)

An old country song starts out, “They say a man’s home is his castle, he’s like a king on a throne. It may be a shack down along side the track but everything in it’s his… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on October 4, 2009 at 7:00am — No Comments

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