Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
Context and Setting of Parables
The parables of Jesus are as important as any of the rest of Scripture because they not only reveal the thinking mind of God, but they reveal His heart and Spirit as well. When Jesus tells a parable, it is to bring us into the thinking and attitude of God. It is the Holy Spirit who conveys both and stands ready to give us that inner…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on January 30, 2018 at 8:00am — No Comments
The Beauty of Being Ordinary
The ordinary man---he is an individual, unknown, not a public figure, average, no one gives him a second look, rarely memorable. However, this is the kind of person the Lord picks to do His work. Acts 3 recalls the Apostles Peter and John (common fishermen) healing a crippled man and then preaching about Jesus. The rulers in Jerusalem heard about…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on January 27, 2018 at 12:00pm — No Comments
Being a Disciple of Jesus
Being a true disciple is not about evangelism, church, mission, ethics, behavior, religion or theology. It is about Jesus. It is about letting Him be our focus. It is about Him being our priority. It is about Jesus being here right now and being His disciple. He is to be our focus and our priority. Peter says it so well when he tells a crippled man to…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on January 25, 2018 at 3:12pm — No Comments
Psalm 18:1-3 Reassurance
We all need reassurance, encouragement, consolation and support. There is no better place than the Psalms to feel the intensity of those words. If you take the first verses of this Davidic masterpiece, they will be a great start to any day, a comfort in any circumstance and the means to move into every next moment.
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on January 22, 2018 at 7:07am — No Comments
Christmas and the Way, the Truth and the Life
There are lots of philosophical systems to think with, lots of emotional avenues for the heart to stroll down and lots of things that promise a good life, but none are the combined balance of personal belief, heart trust and spirit action like Jesus exhibited and besides, remember this, remember that He rose from the dead and lives in our hearts.…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on January 6, 2018 at 11:14am — No Comments
Christmas and the One-Track Mind
The Lord Jesus had one attitude which He described in these words, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself (Mt.22, Lk.10).” As we said in the last blog, He was a one attitude person while we, on the other hand, tend to be multi-attitudinal. That is, we develop attitudes as we…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on January 5, 2018 at 7:00am — No Comments
Christmas and Perception
Perception is spiritual reality at work. But what shapes our perception? If we really look at it, the heart is the source and the attitude it dresses in is the deciding factor. If I do not believe in God, my attitude is emotionally conditioned and intellectually justified based on what makes me comfortable. If I believe in God, my attitude is in the…
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